Speaking soon in Spain, Brasil and Argentina
Ludology.org officially closed

Ludología: now blogging en español


When I created Ludology.org back in 2001, there weren't almost no online resources for people interested in undertanding videogames from a critical point of view, bridging the game industry and the academia. Things have changed since then (boy, if the have changed!) Basically, I originally built Ludology.org because I needed something that simply was not available.

A few years later, I co-founded WaterCoolergames with Ian for the same reason: I wanted a good resource on serious games.

My life has changed quite a bit in the last decade. For the last few years, I have focused more and more on my studio, Powerful Robot Games. Not that I have abandoned academia (I wrote my PhD dissertation which I should write in book form one of these days) but making games certainly took a toll on my blogging. As you have noticed, I haven't posted much in the last couple of years. I don't plan to shut down Ludology.org but don't expect monthly updates either.

Today, I'm launching a new blog, in Spanish. As you know, it's my mother tongue and, after spending most of the last decade in the US and Europe, I'm finally back in Uruguay. I think there's a need for a good online resource on game research and design in Spanish. Certainly, there's plenty of good stuff now in English and certainly that's the current lingua franca.

Still, it makes a huge change to think and read in your own language. And we all know that Spanish language and culture kicks ass and run circles around the ones in the Northern hemisphere (yup, it's taunting time :P Seriously, I have high hopes for the videogame industry in Latin America and Spain, even if it hasn't taken off yet.

So here I am, anouncing www.Ludologia.org, mi new blog about videogame theory and design, en español.



Good stuff! Spanish isn't my first language, but its nice to see that your work will be enjoyed by more than just an english speaking audience.

Manuel Klein

Llegue a tu blog gracias al blog Grand Text Auto, y me parece genial que las personas cada dia intenten llevar mas y mas lejos los horizontes del gaming como arte y forma de expresion.

Mayor fue mi sorpresa al entrar de suerte a tu pagina (de las decenas de links que tiene en la pagina), al saber que vas a dar una charla en Argentina. Ojala pueda asistir, voy a hacer todo lo posible.

Muchas gracias por fomentar esta forma de arte (o lo que esperemos que se termine de desarrollar en uno).

Jahir Kamal

I love Robot Games. Wonderful post.


Jahir Kamal

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I liked robot games too.


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Zhou Xuanming

That's cool. :) On the other hand, will you still have regular posts (or translations) in English for non Spanish speaking readers like myself?

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