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Obama's videogame: Debate Night


I'm happy to launch Powerful Robot's new political game. It's called Debate Night and allows you to go face to face with McCain on the debate arena. It combines two familiar gameplays (Zuma meets Bejeweled) so you can refute McCain's arguments by swapping and matching them before the reach Obama.
I'd like to thank the Powerful Robot team for all their work, as well as Espectral for the sounds and music. I sincerely hope you enjoy it!


andrew stern

Very nice!

Good to see you making new political commentary games!


Hi Gonzalo,
Im facundo, we met last time you came to BsAs (i was the annoying student that interviewed you after your presentation on the UBA)

Great game! Congratulations! Its always good to see games with a message that also has a great design!


A mini review of this great conceptual game (in spanish):


Fun game! It was hard to peel myself away from..

But is it really political? It seems we might as well play whack-a-mole with McCain's head. Or is the metaphor between the random output of 'argument icons' and the erratic behavior of McCain on his campaign? Sorry, but this doesn't seem to be the same level of commentary as some of your earlier games. Perhaps a Financial Bailout game is in the works?

(Or Maybe a McCain Health Care rebate game, where you perform elaborately redundant rearrangements of tax revenue (taxing people's health insurance to fund a much-less equitable health care rebate).. there seems to be some link here between the (relatively) redundant, organizational activities of casual gaming and the black arts of republican finance policies...)


jon conner

its a funny game.
but I think thats is just a lil bit grim. I think the game mock obama.
Hm.. but its despite funny.

 lacoste shoes

The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes. Do you think so?

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