Sao Paulo Part II
Digital Art in 15 easy steps

I'll be at FILE (Sao Paulo) this Thursday

Logofile_eng In addition to my talks in Sao Carlos, I'll be giving a talk this Thursday in Sao Paulo at FILE, the Brazilian Digital Arts Festival. I've been looking forward to visiting the festival for years now, so it's an incredible honor to be speaking at it now. The address where the talk is going to take place is very close to where FILE is taking place: Avenida Paulista nº 1009, 21º andar (floor). The talk will be this Thursday, August 28th, from 19h30 to 21h30. Admission is free, as in free beer. And the talk will be given in Spanish (probably in Portugnol :) If you are in Sao Paulo, I hope you can make it!


Wagner Bordin

Galera, quem quiser conferir a palestra terá de se cadastrar no site , pois tem um controle de entrada.
Wagner Bordin

Darlene Carvalho

Publiquei no blog AgendaCult.

Estarei lá!


jessica puga

I'll make it for sure!

té lá!


That is understandable that cash can make people autonomous. But how to act when someone doesn't have money? The only one way is to get the loan and small business loan.

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