Children as Darwinian toys
ISEA 2008 CFP Extended

Dr. Frasca

27082007150_5Thanks to everybody for their support all these years. A few hours ago I defended my PhD dissertation at ITU and I leveled up to Doctor Frasca! The event was fun and it was great to be again among old friends. It'll be a while before the dissertation goes online but I promise it'll get there.
I'm really exhausted, time for me to rest a bit. Cheers from Copenhagen!
PS: thanks to Solana Larsen for taking pictures of the event!


andrew stern

hearty congrats my friend!

Enjoy Tokyo in a few weeks, I wish I could be there to buy you a Kirin Ichiban.


Congratulations, Gonzalo! Rest well and enjoy all of your upcoming time below the equator.

Gabriel Heinrichs

¡Felicidades! Looking forward to read the fruit of your labour in a few months.

Michael Santorum

¡Felicidades desde Madrid por el título de doctor! Espero poder leer pronto tu trabajo y que podamos raptarte de nuevo un fin de semana y llevarte a un pueblo perdido en medio de España para que nos deleites con todo lo que has aprendido desde entonces :-) ¡Es un placer que vuelvas a estar en linea¡

P.D: Por cierto, las fotos en Flickr llevan el nombre de Gonzalo Fracas :-P

Fernando Piquer

Felicidades desde Madrid!

Me alegra enormemente que todo haya salido bien, y espero verte pronto otra vez por aquí.

Un fuerte abrazo!


i have been lurking all this time, but hey congratulation!!!! i cant wait to read your thesis. your MA thesis is a wonderful read!


Congratulations on the PhD! I´m looking forward to see it available on the web, and I hope it impacts me as much as Videogames of the Oppressed did, back then.

Now go and have your well-deserved rest :)

A. Courtine

congratulations! I´m looking forward to read it and invite you a cup of tea!


A doctorate and the return of one of my favorite blogs, well done!
PS I hope there will be an unofficial Dr Frasca evening tour of Tokyo for the Digra attendees.

Chris Lewis

Gratz on your IRL ding :)

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